How do my clients use Knudge?

    Nothing to download, no passwords to remember. Learn how easy it is for your clients to use Knudge

    Your clients do not need to install the Knudge app.  They can view a task, mark it complete, customize the task reminders, and message you with questions all without downloading anything. so they never have to remember another username or password.

    If you want to invite your clients to register for the app, they will be able to work on shared to-do list with you and your team, have a record of all of the tasks you've worked on together, review your conversations regarding a task, and set their own preferences with respect to notifications.

    The Knudge app is free for your clients.

    This demo that gives an overview of how Knudge works for clients.

    Check out our Knudge for Clients tour to see how clients experience Knudge via email, text, and app.